{This goes along with my earlier post:What I have Learned from the Brother of Jared}
I am reading the book of Ether very carefully and pretty slow so I can capture all the good stuff. This scripture has been with me for a few days as I have been mulling it over in my mind on HOW I can personally become like this:
Ether 4:7 "And in that day that they shall exercise afaith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become bsanctified in me, then will I cmanifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my drevelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the eFather of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are."
Can I become like the Brother of Jared was? Can I ever have enough faith like that?
The answer is yes. I can. And you can. We all can. But like the Brother of Jared, we have to pay the price of exercising our faith and obedience like He did.
I know I have had moments in my life when I have been in the mode of exercising pure faith in God. I have felt the Lord beginning to "unfold" personal revelation to me. Those are extremely touching spiritual moments. At those times, I have tried to remember to grab a pen and write those thoughts, feelings, and impressions from the Spirit down as I have learned they can be very fleeting.
So because of these moments of exercising pure faith, I know it is possible.
The Lord then refers to being sanctified. I am not really sure if I fully understand what that means: to be sanctified. The dictionary defines it as being holy or sacred.
Sanctified= holy or sacred
So...{I am thinking out loud here} sanctification comes as a result of our exercising faith. THEN when we have become sanctified we are on our way to "paying the price" and becoming full of faith possibly like even the Brother of Jared. Very cool! I have such a LONG way to go!!
Here is what Elder David Bednar said in his book Increase in Learning;
"The things of God are of deep import; and time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out." (Teachings, Joseph
Smith, 267)
"Every man and woman should seek the Lord for wisdom, that they might get knowledge from Him who is the fountain of knowledge.." (Teachings, Joseph Smith, 266)
"Each of us can be blessed abundantly as we come to understand our individual responsibility to learn as well as what we should learn, how we can learn, and ultimately what we are to become." (page 8)
"Put forth your ability to learn as fast as you can, and gather all the strength of mind and principle of faith you possibly can" (Teachings, Brigham Young, 194)
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source I love this picture. The artist did a beautiful job of capturing the faith in his face. |
WE can become like the Brother of Jared