Birth is truly such an amazing experience!! I participated in it 7 times bringing our 8 children into this world! However, it was a totally different experience when our daughter gave birth, than when I did. Not participating in the pain and laboring through child-birth gave me a whole new perspective.
Our daughter Aubrey had a pretty healthy pregnancy, but then developed pre-clampsia during her 37th week. Her blood pressure, as well as protein in the urine was so high, they induced her at 37 weeks and 5 days (to be exact) .
We knew from ultra-sounds that they baby was fully developed and already weighing 7.5 lbs.
After 25 hours of labor, I watched our first grand-daughter come into this world. It was so beautiful and so special!!
Have you ever been apart of a birth? (besides your own)
Do you remember the very special spirit and feeling you felt in the birthing room?
I remember feeling this with all my children, but noticed it especially when my daughter was giving birth and I wasn't wrapped up in the drama of pain.
Moments before the baby was born, the doctor walked in the room like a steam roller. I don't mean that in a negative way, but he came in with a job to do, and the business of child-birth went to a serious level that wasn't there before he came. He put on plastic type shoe coverings, his hospital covering, layed plastic down, put drapes around my daughters legs, had nurses handing him tools, goop, all within a matter of 60 seconds. It was amazing how fast they prepped themselves, my daughter, and the room for the delivery of a baby.
With him, came a spirit that he must feel at each birth.
If I could describe it? It almost feels like you are hovering in between two realms. Let's call it the birth realm. It seems to be a realm that hovers somewhere between heaven or our pre-earth life, and earth.
The mood in the room was serious, mixed with high-emotion, and a spirit you could reach out and touch. I don't know if I have ever felt that kind of spirit in a room except for the time when my husband's grandma passed away. It is a tangible spirit as you approach the veil that separates this life and the next.
If we had spiritual eyes to see, we would see heavenly beings there assisting and watching, very interested in the moment.
I was amazed at the doctors tactics to get our daughter to focus and bring forth her first child. It was only a few pushes and our little grand-daughter was born. The doctor said, "welcome to planet earth!" Tears immediately started flowing from everyone in the room! The emotion and spirit was hard to contain!! It was just priceless!

We are all children of God. He created us in the womb, and brings us forth into this earth life through the miracle of child-birth. He is our Father in heaven.
Birth, family and life is no accident. Instead, it has a high, beautiful, powerful purpose!! We are each a part of an earthly family, but also a heavenly family.
Having children is such a heavenly gift.
I am forever changed by this experience.